A Little Bit About My Green Values
I’ve always considered myself to be a bit of a ‘greeny’ and environmentally conscious. I remember going, when we were kids, to the recycling bins in the supermarket car-park – before we had them outside our very own front doors – and diligently recycling every glass bottle and newspaper we had in the house. I gave up meat when I was a teenager, because I cared passionately about animals and was against factory farming and I don’t go anywhere without my reusable water bottle and eco-bag.
What Can I Do To Help The Environment?
But just the other day, I had a conversation with someone who said “what’s the point of us doing anything, if the rest of the world doesn’t bother?” and, it can sometimes feel only a small number care. However, I replied, “because it’s the small things that count, that if each of us did our bit, at some point we would influence others and eventually they’ll be a tipping point…….” It’s not easy trying not to negatively affect the planet, but I believe that small changes can really help and am always eager to learn what other things I can do to make a difference, whether it’s in the way I shop, eat or travel.
Am I Virtue Signalling?
I am not trying to signal virtue or jump on the climate change bandwagon – I certainly partake in my fair share of activities that contribute to environmental damage and am in no way perfect at all. Instead, I draw this to your attention because I am hoping you feel the same way as I do. That by making small changes, we can make a difference.
Small Steps Really Do Work
I use my experience in the late 1990s as a perfect example. When I gave up meat there was very little vegetarian food around. But slowly, as more and more people gave up, or ate less, meat, demand for vegetarian food went mainstream and more and more products were available on the market. It did take a long time (remember no social media then to speed things ups…..) but finally, food manufacturers and restaurants cottoned on and I found myself being given more than just goats cheese tart as my dish of choice at a wedding or Christmas party! Now, of course, with veganism on the rise, non-meat containing food is a whole easier to find and a lot tastier and more animal based products are being produced less cruelly.
Being Green, Ethical and Sustainable and Photography…..
So, how does this relate to photography and your business? Well firstly, in all honesty, I get excited working with companies that share my green values, (don’t worry, that doesn’t mean you all have to eat veggie burgers…..) so let me know if you are keen to focus on this area of your business when we organise a shoot. And, most importantly for you, and your business; if you care about these issues, then perhaps your customers do too and it’s time to let them know.
Photography for Companies with Sustainability Policies
In that case, here’s where photography comes in; it’s simple really – just make sure you capture and illustrate some of your green action and demonstrate to your audience that you’re on their wavelength.
How To Incorporate Your Eco-friendly Practises Into Your Photography
You can simply and subtly incorporate your green credentials into your marketing activity through key visuals and just a few choice words. Whether it’s announcing your new vegan menu by sharing some delicious food treats, capturing your eco-friendly living-wall or roof-top beehive, your free range chicken supplier or your branded water bottles – get those pictures out there as part of your visual message.
Small Gestures Count
Now, as I mentioned before, no one likes to see someone overly signal virtue or indeed lecture them about how they should or shouldn’t conduct their lives. I also think extremism turns people off. In fact, I’m a big believer that it’s the small gestures that count and, as a company, if you show what you’re doing about sustainability and climate change, how you’re making changes, however big or small, I genuinely believe that you will attract more customers because of it. I know that personally I try to buy from companies that practise my values. So it’s a win, win for everyone, don’t you agree?
I look forward to hearing about what your business is doing to make a difference in helping our little planet and perhaps photographing some of those activities for you too…..