Update on my Photography Business during Covid-19 Lock Down in London
How you all doing out there? I hope you are all ok and keeping safe, well and sane during this current Covid-19 Pandemic.
I am of course currently unable to carry out any photography or business, so I am spending my time catching up with administration, training and building my new photography website.
I hope to work with clients again soon and am still available for conversations about your professional photography requirements in the future. If you want to get in touch, please do so in the normal way via email or mobile.
Instagram Project
You can also get involved in my new project on Instagram, which is to encourage anyone to share a photo that they have taken during their self-isolation/social distancing experience. Please go to https://www.instagram.com/photostounite/ to see some pictures posted so far and use the hashtag #photostounite to be featured.
360 Virtual Tour of London Lock Down
In the meantime, I wish to share with you a 360 Virtual Tour that I made on the first night of Lock Down in London, March 21st 2020. Obviously I have not been into London since and it goes without saying, that I can’t wait until the streets are filled with happy, people again and I can get back there.
If you want to see this tour better, please go to the direct web link, here: https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/clients.toplondonphotographer.co.uk/LondonLockDown/index.htm
Stay safe everyone x