Why Choose a Dedicated Photographer for Your Conference?
Conference Photography involves a range of photography skills, including interior photography, awards photography, natural documentary photography to capture the goings on of the day and, of course, the conference event photography itself. Sometimes, in this case, some firework photography skills are also required.
Clients opt to have a professional photographer at their conference for a variety of reasons. It can be simply so they have high-quality images to illustrate the documents they’ll send out afterwards to attendees. Much better than clients and staff receiving several pages of dry text. Hiring a photographer to shoot at your conference can also be a great chance to get images, which can then be used through the coming year are part of the company marketing strategy. Again, a great chance to break up text in tender documents, web blurb or simply to use on social media, where the photo is key.
Capturing Attendees for Use as Photographic Assets
In this case, Jabra UK, where holding a Partner Conference in a lovely hotel and wanted me to capture guests mingling and marketing photographic assets checking out the products, the different talks throughout the day, the evening room set-up and a little of the surprise firework display. I also added some shots of the hotel and grounds itself as I think these are lovely ways to tell the story of the day and set the scene. They can also help persuade clients to attend the following year.