I was delighted to be asked back again by The City of London to photograph at their yearly Community Fair held in the stunning Guildhall Yard.
I love shooting this event, it’s full of families and happy children, friendly stall holders and fabulous costumed characters wandering around……
Added to that, there is wonderful performances by muscians, dancers and locals schools…..
……and our very own Charlie Dimmock offering gardening tips.
All those involved from the wonderful historical figures, to giant recycling bins and the City of London Dragon right through to the people handing out flyers and the security guards, were having a great old time!
What’s more, the whole event is held in Guildhall Yard, which is an amazing location. If you get a chance, go visit the wonderful Guildhall Art Gallery and make sure you attend the City of London Community Fair next year. Follow them on Twitter or on their Website for info, which should be up by spring 2017.