I am pleased to showcase another successful photography shoot at the central London venue, 1 Wimpole Street, which is always a pleasure for me to work at, as the staff are lovely and my client, the marketing manager Jasdeep, always makes the day run so smoothly. The venue photography shoot, this time, encompassed a wide mixture of photos, from standard interior photography shots, through to capturing the evening lights at the venue, new conference technology (see the flying catch-box photo, which is a microphone you can throw into the audience), photos of staff at work and some Christmas photography, shot at both 1 Wimpole Street and then down the road at Chandos House; a full day of hospitality photography and a successful shoot. I am already seeing some of the photos being used on Social Media and they’re going up on the website shortly.

Please get in touch if you’re considering your own marketing photography for your venue or to help build your brand image with great photos. If you are interested in seeing the London Venues above, please click on the links to take you to their website.

1 Wimpole Street:  www.1wimpolestreet.co.uk

Chandos House: www.chandoshouse.co.uk